Employability fund banner image


Securing your first job can feel impossible for anyone. Disrupted education, mental health challenges, and acute financial pressures can make it even harder. Unfortunately the mainstream help available is not flexible or patient enough for our young people.

That’s why we launched EveryYouth Employed, providing young people facing homelessness with specialist coaches to become job-ready and a bursary scheme to overcome the costs associated with getting into work or education.

Whether a young person needs help with course fees or the bus fare to a job interview, we make sure small financial barriers don’t prevent young people from securing long-term independence.

Whatever their stage on the journey to employability – whether learning to read and write or preparing for an interview – our objective is to help them take meaningful steps towards long-term employment, so they can live independent, happy lives.


young people entered employment, education or training


boosts granted


young people that have received employment support

Future builders banner image


The purpose of our Future Builders programme is to make affordable accommodation available to young people participating in education, employment and training opportunities. This enables young people to take the first step towards their future without worrying about the impact on their benefit allowance.

Future Builders breaks the cycle of homelessness through collaboration. We work with local authorities, housing associations, and private landlords to acquire the long-term use of neglected properties.

The properties are renovated, with costs kept to a minimum by brokering gifts-in-kind from businesses and pro bono support from professional services firms.




young people gaining professional experience


young people moving on successfully

£25 can provide a young person with an hour of support with our Jobs Coaches who will help them build their CVs and secure meaningful employment.


A donation of

could result in...

If you are a UK taxpayer, Gift Aid increases your donation by 25%. That means a £10 donation is worth £12.50 to us with no extra cost to you.

Your Gift Aid statement: I confirm that I am a UK taxpayer and I would like EveryYouth to reclaim the take on all qualifying donations I have made in the past four years, as well as future donations until I notify them otherwise. I understand that if I pay less income/capital gains tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in the tax year in which they are received then it is my responsibility to pay any difference. Please remember to let us know of any changes to your tax status, including changes to your name or address, or if you need to cancel this agreement.

We always keep your details safe and never pass them on to other organisations. Our supporters and the trust you place in us, is of the utmost importance. You can read our Supporter Promise and our Privacy Policy to see how we use your details and our commitment to you. You can change your contact preferences at any time by contacting us at info@everyyouth.org.uk

Your donation

“We are relentlessly positive about what all young people can achieve, given a fair chance. We fund work to help young people to develop the skills and confidence they need in the work place whilst simultaneously working with employers to help them give young people the opportunities they need”

Nick Connolly, CEO of EveryYouth


Edward writes about overcoming his turbulent childhood, working as a Desktop Engineer, and moving in with his partner.

Charlotte talks about how she overcame homelessness and is now returning to education to help other young people.

Kay writes how she overcame her grief to pursue an incredible career in healthcare and move into her own home.

Coming Soon!